Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Muniz Zoo is open, really.

Wow, its been a long time since we updated. Sorry :( There has been a lot going on in the Muniz family in the past couple of months. Dylan and Austin are still enjoying Kindergarten and Preschool. Crit has just finished up his spring set of classes at Regent University and Shelby stays more than busy keeping up with her three kids, and teaching at Oak Tree Acadamy. Our little guy Brady, turned one on March 31st. He has learned to walk and is getting more confident on his feet everyday.
We spent nearly two weeks in Seattle and Port Angeles in April. It was a great trip visiting family and friends.
This leads me to our biggest news. After almost a year and a half in Virginia Beach, we're moving back to the Pacific Northwest. Crit has accepted a staff position at Mount Rainier Christian Center in Enumclaw WA. He is going to be the Family Life Pastor, in charge of Children's Ministries, small groups and anything else with regards to families. We'll be loading in our minivan on May 15th and making the 3000 mile drive.
We're going to miss everyone here in VA Beach but are excited about the change.


Blogger naporeon said...

I'm happy to here that you'll be closer to family, Shel. Unfortunately, your move more or less coincides with me heading in the other direction. :(

Oh, well...there's always Christmas!

I hope that your move is as stress-free as possible, and I hope to see you at least once or twice before I move to NYC.

1:25 PM


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