Saturday, November 05, 2005

Thumbs Up!

Some of you may know that in that past couple of years Dylan has been having trouble with his thumb "popping out" of joint. At first it only happened a couple of times a month. But since he's gotten older and more active it has increased in frequency. In the past 6 months it has seemed to happen on almost a daily basis. It always came with a little pain but mostly just made his thumb immobile for the rest of the day. It was a major hinderance for him at school, t-ball, swimming lessons and just about everything else. Finally, after a couple of fruitless trips to the doctor, Dylan was refered to an orthopedic dr. He quickly diagnosed Dylan with "trigger finger". This basically meant the tendons in his thumb were getting caught up on the bones in the joint. Last Thursday he had a quick out-patient surgery to repair the problem. It was successful. Praise the Lord. He is excited to know that it will never happen again. After a tough day and a half of recovery. (He couldn't keep any food or drink down) He is back to his normal self but must keep his hand wrapped and dry for 7 days. Here are a couple of pictures. One on the day of the surgery and the other today.


Blogger naporeon said... eventful week for the little guy: first, he loses his first tooth, then, he gets surgery. He seems to be holding up well, though. My thoughts are with him.

-- Eric

10:16 PM


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