Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Program!

Last night was the boys' Christmas program. Of course, they were exceptional! It was a Christmas around the world... and the boys had "American" costumes! Austin memorized 2 lines and Dylan had three. They were nervous, but performed really well. I even caught Dylan doing the "Walter & Emma" dance on a few occasions- without realizing it.

Brady was not involved. He was busy making noise in the nursery.

Here are a few pics to commemorate the occasion.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Riled Up Before Bed!

Well, it has been a Muniz boy tradition to get crazy before bed. I think that is a common thread amongst all young children. I remember Dylan as young as 15 months, running back and forth clad with his jammies as a "superman" cape! Well, the tradition continues... including our young Brady- jumping on the bed. I don't remember the older boys doing that... maybe because I wouldn't let them... but I guess the 3rd time around- WHO CARES!!! Our bed is already broken- hee hee!

Here are some fun pics of the cutest boys ever!!!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ranger Hike

On a Saturday morning this fall the Royal Ranger boys at our church had a great morning hike, followed up by a hot dog lunch. The hike was challenging for the kids and the adults alike. It is a mile round trip, the first half straight up and then down. Thank God for youthful energy, because Dylan and Austin both had soccer games that afternoon.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

More from the Pumpkin Patch

During Gramma Cheryl's visit this fall, the whole family made a trip to a big, fun pumpkin patch in Carnation, WA. It was about an hours drive from home, but it was worth it. It had a big petting zoo, a straw maze, carnival rides and lots more. Here are a couple more pictures of the boys on that fun day.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

He's Growing Up

Our sweet little guy is growing up fast. Brady loves to brush his teeth, especially when he sees his brothers doing it. Up until a few weeks ago the stairs were off limits, but now they are his domain and when Dylan and Austin are at school Brady wants to play in their room, not his.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Gramma Comes to Town

In mid-October we were blessed to have a week long visit from Gramma Cheryl. The week was filled with being spoiled, going to a fun pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins and learning to tie shoes. Virginia Beach is a long ways away, thanks for coming gramma.

Move Over Howard Schultz

As a way of getting out of the house and making a little extra money, Shelby got a job at Starbucks this fall. She works mostly early mornings and is really enjoying herself. The benefits, like insurance, free coffee and a nice discount on other items, are also nice. Her kind and outgoing personality makes her a perfect fit.

More Soccer

Here are a couple more pictures of the boys soccer season. Austin said his favorite thing about soccer was kicking goals. Dylan said it was trying his best, kicking goals and playing with his friends. I think they also really enjoyed the snacks after each game and Dylan's team had orange wedges every halftime. They were awesome.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Decorating for Christmas

Unfortunately, our living room is not very roomy. Thankfully, Shelby's grampa Dave gave us a smaller tree to put up this year. The whole family had a great time decorating the house for Christmas. Our mission for the next four weeks, keep Brady from pulling all of the ornaments off.


This past Halloween Crit had a little event at the church and Shelby dressed up the boys for a little trick or treating around the neighborhood. Then they moved on to the church for fun, games and lots of candy. Check out Anakin Skywalker from Episode I and III, plus a very sad dalmation.