Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Well it's so funny to think that everyone on the west coast is still sleeping, and here we are enjoying all our new toys! We were all up around 6:15am- Dylan unfortunately woke up sick- nothing a little Motrin can't kick! We thought we'd do a quick post of some Christmas favorites! Dylan's favorite is a Muniz DISOWNER: A Yankee T-shirt!!!! What's that boy thinking? The first thing he said to me was, "Mom, promise you won't give me a spanking!" He was so worried. Austin of course got a stuffed Blue Whale- him and his sea creatures. And Brady boy got lots of fun loot! Kids make Christmas a real treat. Of course, we haven't forgotten the true meaning of Christmas... BABY JESUS! We sure love to give and get presents tho! Love & Miss you all. Thinking of you this day.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Break!

Now that Dylan and Austin are both on their Christmas break from school, they are looking forward to staying up a little bit later. Tonight they got to stay up till 10pm to watch a movie with their Auntie Andrea. One of them made it all the way through and one of them didn't. Oh well, the spirit was willing.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

A Shepherd and King

Tonight was the preschool Christmas program at our church. Dylan and Austin did such a wonderful job. Dylan was a shepherd and got to sing "Go Tell it On the Mountain" with a couple of other kids. He sang the loudest, by far, and knew all the words perfectly. That's what a few weeks of good practice will do for you. Austin was one of the three kings. He walked down the isle all dressed up and carrying his gift with a huge smile on his face. It was adorable.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Austy the Red Nosed Reindeer!

Mr Blue Eyes Himself! He's so adorable. I can't believe he's 4! Today was his last day of preschool- he's off for Christmas break. Dylan still has a week of school, getting out on the 23rd. The boys are ever excited for Christmas. They ask everyday, "how many days mom?" I say, "Why? What's so special about Christmas?" They smile ear to ear and say, "Jesus' birthday". I nod my head and say, "sure" (we really know why they like Christmas- what good Christian boys!) Pretty cute guys. They never stop making me laugh- or making me crazy! TTFN.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Here's some pictures

Just one of the guys!

Brady is so cute. Despite being a serious crybaby, he fills this house with sweetness. He is already trying to play MarioKart, and sing. 2 things he sees his brothers doing. He is so observant. He works hard at getting where he needs to go! He isn't quite crawling, but is rolling everywhere, and lifting himself up and scooting backwards. He is up rocking on all fours, so I'm sure it won't be long. It better not be when we are at Disneyworld- that's all I have to say. The boys are looking forward to Christmas- what 5 & 4 year old wouldn't? They wrote their letters to Santa. Austin wanted a WHALE!!!! I said that God was the one who created whales, not Santa! He said, "no mom, not a real one silly" He's so remarkably funny. He has been Mr. Sunshine since he was born, and still maintains that lighthearted attitude, except when putting on his socks and shoes. He screams, "IT'S NOT RIGHT MOM" because the seam on his sock isn't in the right place! Austin also asked for Mario Party for his gamecube! Dylan asked for an NFL football game for his gamecube and a plunger gun he saw at the dollar store! It shoots little plungers (I'm thinking, "1.00??? YES!!!!) I also bought his NFL game on EBAY for .01 cent! Brand new, still in the wrap. I love EBAY. Dylan is ever so cute and sweet right now. He is understanding how to joke. His new phrase right now through much laughter is, "that is hi-laaarious" He is so funny!
Things are going well around here. Crit just finished his semester (one more to go) He was laughing yesterday because he took a graduate level final with a blue crayon. Huh? you might ask? Well, the tests are computer generated, and the computers were down, and of course no one brought supplies, b/c they thought they were only taking a final exam on a computer! The teacher made a transparency and the class had to take the final with crayons- that's all there was! Don't ask me why a Graduate School has crayons in their classrooms- I don't know? Anyway, it's a funny story.
Well, hopefully we will post some more before Christmas, if not then we hope you all have a Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Our Boys

I cannot express in words the feeling I had yesterday as I felt that my boys were way too big already. Dylan, holding his brother feeding him, and Austin playing with Dylan like Dylan used to play with him. Austin can definitely hold his own now! He's getting quick, lean and mean, and definitely a little more coordinated. Brady, my last child, is already 8 months old. As long as it feels like it's been (forever at times), clearly my sense of time is messed up, b/c "where has the time gone?" It's Christmas time already. My heart is aching for my own place, and being "at home" with where I am at. All of a sudden those things aren't important, because goodness, my life is flashing before my eyes. I got to get busy. I only have 18 years until my youngest graduates high school... and only 13 years til my first child is an "adult". I've got things to do. Blessings on your day. I love and miss you all.