Monday, August 20, 2007

You Know You're a Redneck When...

We celebrated Crit's 33rd b-day at Applebee's with my parents and the boys. Brady's exceptional cuteness sparked quite a topic of conversation at our table. One that caused heads to turn and laugh. I made the comment, "Brady you're looking like a Redneck" because of the way he was wearing his hat--- how he likes----on the top part of his head. Dylan piped up and asked me what a redneck was. How do you define 'redneck'- any ideas? I replied, "Poppy Carl". That was as close to a definition I could get. Smarty Dylan asked if I was one because my dad was one...I said, ummmm I guess- half way. He asked if he was one, and I told him most definitely if he grew up in Enumclaw, he would end up a redneck!!!!

My favorite Redneck joke: You know you're a redneck when...there's a daycare at your senior prom!

Please feel free to post a comment of your favorite CLEAN redneck joke!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Our little Austy (as we lovingly call him) is definitely the creative one in the family. His mind is always working on how he can create, invent and be the mastermind behind everything. Everyday, he comes up with something creative and imaginative, including an off the wall idea: a "Heeley club", harvesting tomatoes, and the ability to give batman a run for his money in our front yard (all he needed that day was a pair of sea creature socks and a batman action figure). However the most creative 'science project' he came up with was the water bottle fiasco. I'm not quite sure he knows what he is trying to figure out... but this by far was the grossest of all of his concoctions.

Please feel free to try this at home: Here are the ingredients:

1. One plastic water bottle- 2/3 full

2. One gigantic squeeze of mom's expensive "for sensitive teeth only" toothpaste

3. 10-12 goldfish (the kind you eat)

4. 1 crayola color tint tab (for bathtime fun) or science experiments in our case.

5. Shake Shake Shake!

I think the best part or (not so for some) however, to my second born's talents... is his deviousness... encouraging poor Brady to drink the "num num" (which is what he calls anything yummy). Naughty Austin. For all of you worried about him... don't, Mommy did happen to be supervising that day!