You Know You're a Redneck When...
We celebrated Crit's 33rd b-day at Applebee's with my parents and the boys. Brady's exceptional cuteness sparked quite a topic of conversation at our table. One that caused heads to turn and laugh. I made the comment, "Brady you're looking like a Redneck" because of the way he was wearing his hat--- how he likes----on the top part of his head. Dylan piped up and asked me what a redneck was. How do you define 'redneck'- any ideas? I replied, "Poppy Carl". That was as close to a definition I could get. Smarty Dylan asked if I was one because my dad was one...I said, ummmm I guess- half way. He asked if he was one, and I told him most definitely if he grew up in Enumclaw, he would end up a redneck!!!!
My favorite Redneck joke: You know you're a redneck when...there's a daycare at your senior prom!
Please feel free to post a comment of your favorite CLEAN redneck joke!!!