Brady is so cute. Despite being a serious crybaby, he fills this house with sweetness. He is already trying to play MarioKart, and sing. 2 things he sees his brothers doing. He is so observant. He works hard at getting where he needs to go! He isn't quite crawling, but is rolling everywhere, and lifting himself up and scooting backwards. He is up rocking on all fours, so I'm sure it won't be long. It better not be when we are at Disneyworld- that's all I have to say. The boys are looking forward to Christmas- what 5 & 4 year old wouldn't? They wrote their letters to Santa. Austin wanted a WHALE!!!! I said that God was the one who created whales, not Santa! He said, "no mom, not a real one silly" He's so remarkably funny. He has been Mr. Sunshine since he was born, and still maintains that lighthearted attitude, except when putting on his socks and shoes. He screams, "IT'S NOT RIGHT MOM" because the seam on his sock isn't in the right place! Austin also asked for Mario Party for his gamecube! Dylan asked for an NFL football game for his gamecube and a plunger gun he saw at the dollar store! It shoots little plungers (I'm thinking, "1.00??? YES!!!!) I also bought his NFL game on EBAY for .01 cent! Brand new, still in the wrap. I love EBAY. Dylan is ever so cute and sweet right now. He is understanding how to joke. His new phrase right now through much laughter is, "that is hi-laaarious" He is so funny!
Things are going well around here. Crit just finished his semester (one more to go) He was laughing yesterday because he took a graduate level final with a blue crayon. Huh? you might ask? Well, the tests are computer generated, and the computers were down, and of course no one brought supplies, b/c they thought they were only taking a final exam on a computer! The teacher made a transparency and the class had to take the final with crayons- that's all there was! Don't ask me why a Graduate School has crayons in their classrooms- I don't know? Anyway, it's a funny story.
Well, hopefully we will post some more before Christmas, if not then we hope you all have a Merry Christmas.