Friday, December 02, 2005

Our Boys

I cannot express in words the feeling I had yesterday as I felt that my boys were way too big already. Dylan, holding his brother feeding him, and Austin playing with Dylan like Dylan used to play with him. Austin can definitely hold his own now! He's getting quick, lean and mean, and definitely a little more coordinated. Brady, my last child, is already 8 months old. As long as it feels like it's been (forever at times), clearly my sense of time is messed up, b/c "where has the time gone?" It's Christmas time already. My heart is aching for my own place, and being "at home" with where I am at. All of a sudden those things aren't important, because goodness, my life is flashing before my eyes. I got to get busy. I only have 18 years until my youngest graduates high school... and only 13 years til my first child is an "adult". I've got things to do. Blessings on your day. I love and miss you all.


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